5-Spotted Hawk Moth or Why I Relocate All Hornworms

I fell into a Reddit hole today. Someone posted a PSA defending tomato hornworms and it blew up.

Mid-July I was thrilled to find a 5-spotted hawk moth in the desert four o'clocks. It is the largest hawk moth (sphinx or hummingbird moth). Last summer, I had one in the Studio, but it died from wasp predation, so I didn’t get to see its metamorphized form. (I can’t seem to find my pictures so we’ll have to make do with the one above).

So… for all of you who love hawk moths but loath their larva on your tomatoes and peppers, relocate a few, please, because these are amazing moths! And in three summers here, this is the only adult I’ve seen compared to the dozens of white-lined hawk moths.

Oh, and I wasn’t the only one to notice it. :-)


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